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media monarchy: episode137b - august 28, 2009 | | | | | | |
chris matthews says bloggers don’t fact check
video: chris matthews: 'the bloggers don't fact check' (audio w/ kreidler)
corbett report: episode095 - the biometric control grid
'fall of the republic' exposes how brand obama is destroying america
video: 'fall of the republic: the presidency of barack obama' trailer (audio)
video: 'invisible empire: a new world order defined' trailer (audio)
defcon 8/26: citizen soldiers, social networks & criminal skills
citizen soldiers wage cyberwar, or
russkie civvies waging cyberwar
do we need a united nations cybersecurity council?
google may erase images of switzerland
social networks leak personal data to trackers website blocked under filter for 'criminal skills' content
mckinnon anti-extradition protest
aclu calls pentagon hacker's extradition 'tragic'
facebook meets rfid in marketers' dreams
'moon rock' in dutch museum is just petrified wood
epa fails to inform public about weed-killer in drinking water
video: how safe is atrazine (audio w/ boozoo bajou)
sigg bottles had bpa all along
8/27 binge & purge: suing bayer, UN plans & boycotting big beer
farmers suing german-based bayer cropscience over gm rice
flashback: bayer pesticide factory explosion in west virginia kills 1 &
update: vigil to mark anniversary of bayer cropscience explosion
united nations plans to emerge as the controlling government
boycotting big beer
the ramones 'somebody put something in my drink' (audio)
(all bed music by bill laswell unless otherwise noted)
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